PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID SALT ROCK SEWER PSD invites Contractors to deliver a sealed bid proposal to 100 Padero Drive, Ona, WV 25545 until February 16, 2017 at 4:00 PM (eastern standard time) Bids will be read publicly and reviewed for the design, installation and start-up of the following: Complete hardware/software and program upgrade to operate two Sequencing Batch Reactors. Specifications can be obtained by contacting the District office at 304-743-6945 or writing to the above address. Salt Rock Sewer PSD reserves the right, as the interest of the District may require, to reject any or all bids and to waive any in-formalities in the requests for proposals and to award the bid purchase contracts in whole or in part to the bidder as determined by Salt Rock Sewer PSD to be in its best interests. The District may delay or defer the date for receiving and reviewing proposals for the project specified without renewing this advertisement. All bidders will be notified of any delay or deferment and of re-scheduled dates upon which bids will be reviewed. LH-49891 1-28;2-4; 2017