NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Braskem America, Inc. has applied to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Air Quality, for a Class II Administrative Update for the polypropylene manufacturing facility located on 200 Big Sandy Road, Kenova, in Wayne County, West Virginia. The latitude and longitude coordinates are 38.354448 and -82.594970. The requested Class II Administrative Update will (1) remove all permit terms related to the 96.72 MMBtu/hr temporary natural gas boiler which has been permanently shut down and removed as of August 27, 2013, (2) remove the stipulation that monthly visible emissions checks must be conducted no more than 45 days apart, and (3) increase the hourly and annual volatile organic compound (VOC) emission limits from the ISBL Flare and OSBL Flare to 125.71 lb/hr and 34.72 tpy, respectively, to reflect revisions to the emission factors in AP-42, Chapter 13.5. These changes will be implemented upon receipt of an amended permit. This Class II Administrative Update will not involve any construction activities. Written comments on this application will be received by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Air Quality, 601 57th Street, SE, Charleston, West Virginia, 25304-2943, for a period of at least 30 calendar days from the date of publication of this notice. Any questions regarding this permit application may be directed to the Division of Air Quality at (304) 926-0499 ext. 1250, during normal business hours. Dated this the 4th day of April 2017. By: Braskem America, Inc. Jeffrey Blatt Facilities Manager 200 Big Sandy Road Kenova, WV 25530 LH-51621 4-6; 2017