Request for Proposal Cabell County Schools Technology Services Department will receive sealed bids on or before 4:00 PM June 8, 2017 for a computer maintenance and defined network service contract for the following installed equipment: approximately 45 IBM and HP file servers; 8500 Lenovo, Dell, and Hewlett Packard workstations, to include attached monitors, printers, and other related peripherals; SmartBoards and all interactive devices; 100+ Viewsonic Interactive Displays; 2000+ Dell Chromebooks; HP, 3COM, and Cisco switches, and Cisco wireless controllers. This bid is to establish a preferred technology maintenance vendor for the 2017-2018 school year beginning July 1, 2017. Bid specifications may be picked up at Cabell County Schools Central Office Reception Desk, 2850 Fifth Avenue, Huntington, West Virginia 25702. To receive a mailed or emailed copy of the bid document, contact Larry Oyster, Director Technology Services, or Karen Crespo, Executive Secretary, Bids will be opened in the Central Office - Technology Services conference room June 9 at 10 AM. LH-52829 5-25,30; 2017