SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE LAWRENCE COUNTY OHIO Plaintiff: Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB dba etc. VS. Defendant: Phyllis J. Turner aka Morrison deceased et al Case Number: 16OC505 Court of Common Plea, Lawrence, County Ohio In pursuance of an Order Of Sale issued from said Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, I will offer for at public auction at the door of the Court House, in Ironton, in the above named County, on Friday, the 27th day of October, 2017, at 11:00 a.m., with a provisional second date Friday, the 17th day of November, 2017, at 11:00 a.m, the following described Real Estate, situated in the County of Lawrence and State of Ohio an in the Township of Rome to-wit: Commonly Know as: 32 Township Road 1174 Proctorville, Ohio Parcel Number (s) 18-033-1600, 18-033-1700 (Instructions for obtaining the complete Legal Description of the property can be found at Said property appraised at $78,200.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will start at $52,134.00 The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover. 2329.211 in every action of Judicial Sale of residential property if the Judgement Creditor is the purchaser, they shall not be required to make a deposit on the sale. All other purchasers shall make sale deposits as follows: If the appraised value of the property is: /=$10,000 = Deposit of $2,000 $10,000 /= $200,000 = Deposit of $5,000 $200,000 = Deposit of $10,000 The Lawrence County Sheriff's office operates under the doctrine of Caveat Emptor. The Lawrence County Sheriff makes no grantee as to the status of the title prior to the sale. There has been no inside inspection of the property and the Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confirmation of the sale. Attorney: Charles V. Gasior Telephone: 330-436-0300 Jeffrey S. Lawless, Sheriff Lawrence County Ohio Further Information may be obtained from Shawn Spencer at 740-532-3106 / LH-56265 9-28-17 & 10-5-12-17