Notice of Public Hearings Please take notice that in the most recent Municipal Election, the citizens of the City of Madison, West Virginia voted to enact a new Zoning Ordinance. Copies of the new proposed Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Maps may be reviewed in the offices of Madison City Hall, 255 Washington Avenue, Madison, WV 25130 during regular business hours. Pursuant to West Virginia Code 8A-7-5, there will be separate public hearings to consider the proposed Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Maps. These hearings will be held on the same day in the City Council Chambers at Madison City Hall as follows: Thursday October 12, 2017 at 11:00am Thursday October 12, 2017 at 7:00pm The purpose of the public hearings is to review the proposed Zoning Ordinance, answer questions and receive comments regarding the same. Written comments and/or objections to the proposed Zoning Ordinance can be filed with the Clerk of City Council at City Hall at any time during regular business hours on or before the 12th day of October, 2017. The proposed Zoning Ordinance establishes a Municipal Planning Commission, provides for the adoption of a Comprehension Plan for the City of Madison, regulates subdivisions and land development, establishes a Board of Zoning Appeals and divides the City of Madison into residential, business and industrial districts and describes the uses and activities that may be pursued therein. City of Madison By Mayor H.H. Howell LH-56120 9-27;10-4-17