MEETING NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOONE COUNTY COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION INC. TO CONSIDER PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE PROPOSED REDUCTION OF SERVICES AT THE NUTRITION CENTERS TO FOUR DAYS PER WEEK, AND OPTIONS TO BALANCE THE BUDGET OF THE ORGANIZATION. Please take notice that a public meeting will be held on October 23, 2017 at 12:00 noon at the BCCO building located at 347 Kenmore Drive, Lick Creek, Danville, Boone County, West Virginia. The purpose of the meeting will be to consider public comment regarding the recommendation by the BCCO Board of Directors to reduce meals served at each of the nutrition centers by one day per week, and to deliver an additional shelf stable bag lunch meal to each recipient of home delivered meals on the day preceding the closed day. The Nutrition centers can remain open for social gatherings upon application of a reasonable person to the Boone County Commission; however, the kitchens will remain closed. Any Boone County resident desiring to offer comments regarding this reduction of services may attend the hearing in person, send comments by electronic mail to, call the BCCO Office at 304-369-0451, or mail comments to the following address: Boone County Community Organization, P.O. Box 247, Madison, WV 25130. The deadline to submit comments other than oral comments expires in the day of hearing. The Board of Directors will meet immediately following the meeting. Gary Williams, Director LH-56624 10-11; 2017