REQUEST FOR ATTORNEY BIDS The Logan County Commission, through the State and Federal Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, is seeking sealed bids for the services of an attorney (or attorneys) to prepare all the legal documentation necessary to transfer the ownership of 1(one) private dwellings in the Stollings area to the Logan County Commission. This includes title search, certifications and deed preparation. All interested attorneys in Logan County are invited to submit proposals on a per-unit basis. Proposals should be mailed (or delivered) to the Logan County Commission, HMGP, 325 Stratton Street, Logan WV 25601, no later than December 15th, 2017. All bids will be opened and read aloud at that time. All paperwork should be completed and submitted to the Logan County Commission no later than January 20th, 2018. Questions may be directed to Ray Perry, 304-687-9680. The Logan County Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids. LH-57452 11/7/14/17