Order Of Publication IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF CABELL COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA CASE NO. 17-P-360 PETITION OFF 00 BAIL BONDS INC, FOR THE AUTHORITY TO ENGAGE IN THE BONDING OF CRIMINAL CASES IN SIXTH THE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this action is for John P. Stevens II owner of 00 Bail Bonds. INC, to be authorized as a bondsman in Cabell County, WV. A hearing will be held in the above-styled matter before the Honorable Judge Gregory L. Howard, Jr, Judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, West Virginia, Cabell County Courthouse, Huntington, West Virginia, on November 21, 2017, at 9:00 A.M. A copy of said Petition can be obtained from the undersigned Clerk's office. Entered by the Clerk of said Court on the 25th day of October 2017. LH-57552 11-9,16; 2017