PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON CASE NO. 16-0550-W-P WEST VIRGINIA-AMERICAN WATER COMPANY, a public utility, Charleston, West Virginia. Petition for approval of a 2017 Infrastructure Replacement Program Surcharge Mechanism. NOTICE OF HEARINGS On April 29, 2016, West Virginia-American Water Company (WVAWC or Company) filed an application for approval of a 2017 infrastructure replacement program (IRP) surcharge mechanism. In this application, WVAWC proposes to implement an IRP under which it would invest approximately $32.5 million for infrastructure replacement and system upgrades in 2016 and 2017. The IRP is proposed to include the replacement of transmission and distribution mains, valves, hydrants, and services. In the future, the Company proposes that the IRP include additional categories of utility plant replacements, improvements, and extensions of service. The project rates proposed for 2016 and 2017 are identified in the application, which is on file and available for public inspection at the Commission offices at 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia. WVAWC proposed to recover costs associated with the investments through a surcharge on customer bills, calculated as a percentage of the total monthly bill for service (comprised of both the minimum meter charge and the volumetric rate component). WVAWC projects that if the IRP and surcharge are approved as requested, then the average monthly bill for its various classes of customers will be changed on January 1, 2017, as follows: Residential $ INCREASE $0.89 % INCREASE 1.90% AVERAGE USAGE 3,204 gallons per month Commercial $ INCREASE $4.67 % INCREASE 1.90% AVERAGE USAGE 16,702 gallons per month Industrial $ INCREASE $95.52 % INCREASE 1.90% AVERAGE USAGE 605,167 gallons per month Resale $ INCREASE $217.54 % INCREASE 1.90% AVERAGE USAGE 1,601,287 gallons per month The increases shown above are based on averages of all customers in the indicated class. Each class may receive an increase greater or less than stated here. Individual customers may receive increases that are greater or less than average. The Commission will receive public comments throughout the time period that this case is pending. All written comments should state the case name and number and be addressed to Ingrid Ferrell, Executive Secretary, P.O. Box 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323. Public comments may also be filed online at scripts/onlinecomments/default.cfm by clicking the "Formal Case" link. The Commission will hold a public comment hearing in this matter at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 1, 2016, at the Commission offices, 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia. Interested persons may attend and make comment. The Commission will conduct an evidentiary hearing at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 2, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., also at the Commission offices, 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia. Interested persons may attend. WEST VIRGINIA AMERICAN WATER COMPANY LH-46907 10-5; 2016