INVITATION TO BID Marshall University, on behalf of the Board of Governors, invites sealed bids to provide all work, including but not limited to labor, material, equipment, supplies and transportation for Drinko Library Alterations, located on the main campus of Marshall University, 1 John Marshall Drive, Huntington, West Virginia. The project consists of alterations to the existing Drinko Library, First Floor, The Project Area is approximately 3800 square feet. The scope includes the renovation of areas by moving existing doors to new locations, patch work of existing finishes, and some changes to lighting. There is no exterior work anticipated in this Project. New electrical/telecommunication floor boxes will require work to take place from the floor below the Project area. Construction work includes: Demolition of interior walls and some finishes; interior doors and frames; non-load bearing interior partitions; ceilings, wall and floor finishes; new casework; lighting, electrical and telecommunication systems. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday October 13, 2016 in Room #2E28, Memorial Student Center, Shawkey Dining Room. Attendance is mandatory for General Contractors. Bidders must attend the pre-bid meeting to familiarize themselves with the project location, site conditions, and other relevant information. Should any Bidder fail to attend their Bid will be disqualified. Sealed bids shall be accepted until 3:00pm on Thursday, October 27, 2016. At that time bids will be opened, read aloud, and recorded in the Office of Purchasing, Room 125, Old Main Building, Marshall University Campus. Technical questions concerning the Bidding Documents should be directed to Edward Tucker Architects, Inc. (304) 697-4990 Request for Bid Documents may be obtained by contacting Jill Burcham, 304-696-2823, Marshall University, Office of Purchasing, 125 Old Main Building, Huntington, WV 25755 or access at Complete plans and specifications may be obtained by contacting C&B Blueprint, 824 Sixth Street, Huntington, West Virginia 25701. 304-525-2175. $50.00 deposit is required on each set. Marshall University reserves the right to reject any/all bids. LH-46987 10-6; 2016