Notice of Short Form Settlement of Estates To the Creditors, Distributees and Beneficiaries of the within named persons: I have before me the final settlement of the estates of the following persons, which shall be presented to the County Commission of Putnam County, at the Courthouse, in the City of Winfield, on Tuesday the 18th day of October 2016 at 09:00 for its approval which settlements have been presented to me pursuant to West Virginia Code 44-3A-4a, as amended, (Waiver and Application for Short Form Settlement by distributes and beneficiaries) which settlements I have approved as indicated below: Estate of Doris K. Adkins Robert W. Adkins, Administrator CTA Estate of Nancy Betheleen Facemyer Janice F. Bowen, Executrix Estate of Jerry Allen Hitt Charles M. Hitt, Administrator Estate of Herbert Lee Milhoan Loretta Milhoan, Administratrix Estate of Kevin Michael Saunders Tami Saunders, Executrix Estate of Lois Arrowood Toney Kimberly DeMattie, Executrix Estate of Samuel C. Tucker Elsie Jane Tucker, Executrix Any persons having an interest in the estate of any such person may appear before the County Commission at the above time and place and thereupon protest his/her interest or else be forever barred from asserting such interest thereafter. Given under my hand this 7th day of October 2016. Fiduciary Supervisor, Putnam County, 12093 Winfield Road, Winfield, WV 25213 LH-47090 10-13; 2016